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10 Essential Tips For Improving The Tenant Move Out Process

Tenant move-outs are a fact of life for DIY property managers because it’s not uncommon for most tenants to move out of their rental properties within 12 months, although some tenants may stay longer.


Thankfully, the tenant's move-out process can be easy for every landlord, especially when they follow these essential tips. 


1.     Make Communication A Priority 


Provide clear and detailed move-out instructions to tenants well in advance. Including, clearly outlining expectations regarding cleaning, repairs, and return of keys.


Offer a move-out checklist to guide tenants through the process, ensuring nothing is overlooked.


2.     Have A Pre-Move-Out Inspection:


Conduct a pre-move-out inspection with the tenant present. You should also discuss any potential issues or concerns and provide suggestions for addressing them.


Document the property's condition with photos or videos to use as a reference during the final inspection.


3.     Repair and Maintenance Coordination:


Schedule necessary repairs and property maintenance promptly to address any issues before the new tenant moves in.


Streamline the process by having reliable contractors or maintenance personnel on call.


4.     Return of Security Deposit:


Clearly explain the conditions under which the security deposit will be refunded and the timeframe for its return.


Provide an itemized list of any deductions made from the security deposit, along with receipts for repairs or cleaning services.


5.     Streamlined Documentation:


Use digital documentation for the move-out process, including checklists, inspection reports, and communication. This can help in organization and easy retrieval of information.


6.     Encourage Cleaning and Maintenance:


Encourage tenants to clean the property thoroughly before moving out. Consider providing a cleaning checklist to guide them.


Remind tenants about routine maintenance responsibilities, such as lawn care or filter replacement, to avoid potential issues.


7.     Final Walk-Through:


Conduct a final walk-through with the tenant to address any last-minute concerns or questions.


Provide a move-out inspection report, allowing tenants to sign off on the property's condition, which can help avoid disputes later.


8.     Prompt Lease Closure:


Ensure that all lease closure paperwork is completed promptly to officially end the lease agreement.


Inform utility companies of the tenant's move-out date to avoid any issues with billing or services.


9.     Follow Local Regulations:


Familiarize yourself with local laws and regulations regarding the move-out process. This includes the timeline for returning security deposits and any specific requirements for property inspections.


10.  Tenant Feedback:


Encourage tenants to provide feedback on their move-out experience. This can help you identify areas for improvement and enhance your overall property management process.


By implementing these tips, you can create a more efficient and transparent move-out process, benefiting both property managers and tenants.


Contact GoldenWest Management 


At GoldenWest Management, our team saves DIY owners hundreds of hours per year and the hassle of managing rental properties themselves.


From tenant move-ins, to move-outs, we do it all! Learn more about the services that we can offer you by clicking here or calling (866) 545-5303 or click here to connect with us online.